I have a beautiful story to share about adoption. This story shows how adoption WORKS.
In June of 1979 I
placed my son into adoption through the Edna Gladney
Center . This was during a time when adoption was CLOSED – NO contact after the
papers were signed.
I was 17 years
old and wanted the best for him. I felt
at my age (and previous life experiences) I would not be able to give him the
unconditional love and mature care that I wanted him to have. It was the hardest decision in my life. I held him when he was 3 days old with tears
in my eyes, kissed him on his cheek and told him I loved him with all my heart.
Me @ 17
My life went in
many directions after – Some good, some not so good – I thought about him all
the time. Everytime I would see a boy around his
age, I would wonder, is that him? I prayed that he was alright and
the family that had adopted him was one that was able to give him everything I
dreamed of.
As the Internet came about, I found a lot of information about adoption and one site in particular where they have a FREE database you can post to – TxCARE – I posted the following information:
06-19-1979 Ft Worth
Birth Parent In Search
ORIGINAL: I had a son born at Duncan
Hospital - Edna Gladney
He has a sister that is 3 years
older than him adopted from Gladney as well
I would love to meet him. Lots of information to share. ((my email address here))
On August 8, 2003 at 1:34pm I received this email:
I was surfing the txcare.org website, and I came across your post. I was born on June 19th, 1979 at Duncan Memorial Hospital. Like most adoptees, we are very interested in learning about our medical history. Could you provide me with additional information about your situation, that may help me in my search? ( i.e. time of birth, weight of child, your age at birth, birth fathers medical history, etc.)
Needless to say, I was shocked - I wrote back that it was a coincidence and the date and time he was born. By 11:30 that night it was confirmed we had a connection.
He wrote the following
to me:
would like to express my heartfelt gratitude from the bottom of my
heart for giving me the gift of life. You made the best
decision for me. I have been given everything that I could possibly need
in life. Two loving parents a great sister and a wonderful
childhood. I grew up how every child should, with unconditional
This is exactly what
I had always hoped for and was so important to
me! I was so overwhelmed with happiness
and gratitude.
Brian and his family invited me to his college graduation!
My sister Diane, Brian and me
a blessing! I flew up to
These situations can go in many different directions if everyone doesn’t approach it with respect and care for each other. I have so much respect for Brian and his family – this is a blessing.
of 2004, Brian sent me a necklace with our birthstones (Amethyst and Pearl) with
a note "wear it close to your heart to remember
the special bond we share" Once again, I felt like I was
dreaming and so incredibly grateful!
Mother’s Day of 2005 – Brian, his Mom and Dad expressed that I hadn’t been acknowledged for Mothers Day the past 25 years and wanted to spend it with me! What an incredible gift!! We spent the day having brunch and went to my sister’s house. There I opened a card with the words...
Because you never had the chance to tie my shoes or tickle my toes or know that I like to kick my shoes off…
Then Brian and his family gave me a gift... his baby shoes bronzed.
Needless to say,
Adoption works – it has worked well in this particular group of people. It has worked because of the support and love
of others in and outside of this triangle.
It has worked because we all approached each other with goodness in our hearts
and respect.
Our first meeting on Navy Pier in Chicago
In 2008, Brian married a beautiful girl Reenie – I was invited to his wedding!!
Reenie’s Mom Terri, Brian’s Mom Phyllis and me
Brian's Mom asked me to
light the Unity candle with her
during the ceremony. I felt so honored!!
Brian and me dancing at his wedding
I am a blessed woman.